A Marina Resort port is an accommodation facility that allows tourists to stop in a protected and equipped stretch of water and stay overnight in their own moored pleasure boats. The services offered by a Marina Resort are of high quality and comparable to hotel standards.
Temporary rental
Temporary vacant berths will be rented for TEMPORARY USE.
Check availability by going to the PORT AUTHORITIES' OFFICE or by calling 0182.88313
Annual berths
The Port of Andora is a municipal port and currently all of the annual berths are assigned. A WAITING LIST will be adhered to when allocating berths, if they become available, following cancellation or termination.
The waiting list is made up of requests presented personally to the AMA Offices and these are dealt with in strict chronological order.
Transit (72 hours max)
Transit (72 hours max) In accordance with revisions and integrations made to legislative decree no. 171 of 18 July 2005, establishing the code for pleasure crafts, pursuant to art. 49-nonies, from June 15 to September 15, 67 (the equivalent of 8% of available berths) transit berths are set aside for the APPROACH for a MAX of 72 HOURS, NON-RENEWABLE.
Tel. +39 0182 88313, VHF Channel 9
Once in port, wait for mooring assistance.