A large ecosystem of considerable scientific, socio-economic, cultural and educational interest. The whole of the Sanctuary can be considered as a distinct biogeographical subunit of the Great Marine Ecosystem of the Mediterranean.
The mammals of the Pelagos Cetacean Sanctuary
A documentary to discover and learn which mammals inhabit the Mediterranean Sea and the Pelagos Cetacean Sanctuary
The massive concentration of marine mammals is mainly due to the richness of food, a particular marine current brings plankton and krill (crustaceans that form zooplankton) to the surface, of which cetaceans are very greedy. There are eight species that find their ideal habitat in these waters: the fin whale, the sperm whale, the common dolphin, the bottlenose dolphin, the striped dolphin, the pilot whale, the rasp and the zifio.
Every summer thousands of cetaceans meet in the Ligurian basin
These waters, between Toulon, Capo Falcone (Sardinia) and Fosso Chiarone in Tuscany, show the highest concentration of cetaceans among all the Italian seas and represent one of the richest areas in the Mediterranean as regards marine fauna.