AMA has obtained the Quality-Environment-Safety Certification according to the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015/14001: 2015/45001: 2018 Standards and the EMAS Registration
AMA believes that the Integrated Management System implemented constitutes an important support tool for company management capable of generating virtuous behavior towards Users, through the provision of excellent services; of the Environment, through the proper performance of the activities, and of the Workers through a timely management of Health and Safety in the workplace, also capable of giving the Company an image of excellence.

Being ISO certified, a choice that makes the difference
Having ISO certification is not an obligation but it is certainly a choice that makes the difference as it introduces standards that guide the company towards continuous improvement in organizational, commercial, quality, environmental and safety terms, all in compliance with compliance obligations. to all applicable legal, statutory and regulatory requirements.
Strengthened by this conviction, we aim to carry out our business in line with the principles of quality, ensured by tested procedures, which include self-control systems, shared controls and assessments by internal specialists and certification bodies. All in order to constantly improve our services, ensuring respect for the environment and the safety of workers, within a path inspired by "Sustainable Development".
AMA has embarked on a path to search for the highest level of compatibility between economic development and the environment.
AMA has chosen to adhere to the EMAS Community Regulation, an eco-management and audit system, for the evaluation and improvement of the efficiency of the environmental activities carried out and for the presentation of relevant information to the public.

EMAS registration
Through the EMAS Registration, AMA has embarked on a concrete path to:
- The search for the highest level of compatibility between economic development and the environment;
- The correct evaluation of alternative strategic choices and the related priorities;
- The correct environmental planning of the activities, through continuous monitoring and checks;
- The correct balance between private initiative and public social needs;
- Activation of correct environmental information and education aimed at all Stakeholders;
- The improvement of the image and environmental reputation undoubtedly enriched by a European and institutional recognition.
EMAS Registration also implies that both the information relating to the Context of the Organization, complete with objective data, and the planned improvement actions, are described and communicated to all interested parties through the drafting of the Environmental Declaration. This document, which is submitted for validation by a third party, contains the precise description of the improvement objectives together with the paths, resources and times identified for their achievement.
The Environmental Declaration validated by the Verifier must then be sent to the Ecolabel and Ecoaudit Committee, EMAS Italy Section, which evaluates it further. Once registered, the Company is registered in the EUROPEAN REGISTER of Registered Organizations, has the possibility to use the EMAS logo and must make its Environmental Declaration available to the public.
Fee Blue Flag for the Port of Andora
The Port of Andora has been awarded the FEE Blue Flag since 1975!
The Blue Flag is the environmental recognition assigned annually to the Landings that implement good management by providing quality services while respecting the environment.
A Marina Resort harbour
The Port of Andora has obtained the classification Marina Resort